Jack Docherty: Nothing But…

Gilded Balloon at the Museum (National Museum of scotland)


From the moment everyone has sat down and the lights go down briefly, a figure enters the stage and takes his place, a nervous wolf whistle from a fan starts a ripple of giggles before the darkness informs the audience to shoosh! Immediately as the lights go up and Jack Docherty explodes immediately setting the scene, this is a monolugue energetically delivered about his life, loves, regrets and joys, a relief and antidote to the plethora of stand up shows asking members of the front row to talk to the performer, this show is an expression of energy high thinking, talent and art, and there is no audience participation. Sure, latterly his career fame is as a failing upwards police chief however Jacks career spans years of channel 4 shows, notably Absolutely and The Creatives along with a Letterman esque talk show run on channel 5 at the Whitehall theatre, Jack is one of this country’s best comedy writers. The monologue sends us back and forth in time and space, the idea in his mind is the lost fleeting love which destroyed his marriage and fragmented his relationship with his daughter, its done with care, he hoped this could be a movie script, after showing us the refusal email from channel 4 i guess he chose to bring it to stage, he was the punk version of alternative comedy inthe 90’s and his energy and talent have gone nowhere, he is the Bill Drummond of comedy this is an honest graphic but achingly funny show in the best spirit of the Fringe, highly recommeded.

Coroners Rating: 5 Stars

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